Happening Okanagan

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Inside Kelowna’s Newest Wine Bar: Monday’s

We didn’t think the little industrial strip housing Bright Jenny Coffee, Zangbell & Gill, and neighboured by Buffalo Rouge Brewing needed a reason to get cooler… but Jordan Matthews did—at least on Mondays.

Monday’s Founder Jordan Matthews

Monday’s Wine Bar is a pop-up concept open on— you guessed it—Monday nights only, at Bright Jenny Coffee Shop on Laurel Ave. For those who haven’t been, the industrial space has a huge courtyard adorned with colourful art and café lights—the perfect place to enjoy a beverage in the summer.

“Monday’s was curated with a deep sense of community for the local folk who sometimes want to chill out in a familiar spot with familiar faces, drinking all facets of European wine and listening to a funky house track,” says founder Jordan.

On the night we visited at the end of July, the large crowd was young and local. All the wines, most of them European and not widely known, were fairly priced and inexpensive, with almost no bottles above $70.

Even though wine is a big focus here, the food is a reason to visit in itself. The menu offers meat and cheese or warm olives for the classic wine bar experience, as well as more elaborate dishes like Spanish prawns in a drinkable garlic and paprika broth and handmade tagliatelle ragù, all prepared by Chef Austin Savage.

Monday’s Spanish Prawns

We had the opportunity to chat with Jordan to find out how Monday’s came to be. Here’s what she had to say!

Tell us about the concept behind Mondays.

The idea for Monday’s started as a neighbourhood wine bar that comes alive once Bright Jenny has fulfilled their duty of starting everyone’s day off right. A way to continue the flow, coffee bar by day and wine bar by night…Well, on Mondays only. Hence, ‘Monday’s’.

Imagine a local euro-inspired wine watering hole—just outdoors with a multi-purpose space.

That was my next question. Now that we know where the name 'Monday’s' comes from, why choose Monday nights?

I wanted to create a space, where people don’t have to wait to celebrate. To create a lifestyle we don’t need a vacation from.

Tell us about the wines.

Our wine selection is designed to stir conversation and create excitement about what you're tasting. We achieve this by offering exclusively Old World wines. Another reason for offering only Old World wines is that if not at Monday’s, then where? Unfortunately, nowhere else in Kelowna serves this market. These wines are made with purity and come with stories. We tend not to use the word 'natural' because it’s inherent in our ethos and that of the farmers.

White Blend by Neighbourly Wine Co.

Tell us about the food. It was so good!

Our food program is led by Chef Austin Savage, who is so committed to the ingredients he serves—not to mention doing everything himself. I really admire this about Chef; he genuinely loves baking the bread, making the butter, etc... He prepares every single thing in-house, and I couldn’t be prouder to work with someone this dedicated to a one-day-a-week pop-up. He truly is the missing link to the team.

ANYWAY, the menu has evolved into a homestyle approach to Mediterranean small share plates, with a handful of new weekly features. Think Nicoise Salad with tuna, soft egg, green bean and Warba potato or Gnocchi with romesco, manchego and almond.

Favourite BC wine!

I love to drink anything from Roche!

Favourite spot to hang out in Kelowna (or the Okanagan)?

When I do have time to hang out I love escaping to Naramata for the day BUT my daily routine, which I love just as much, always includes SpinCo & Red Bird in Kelowna!  A simple gal.

Is Monday’s a summer thing or do you have year-round plans? 

Currently, Monday’s is scheduled to operate until September 30th. As of now, there are no plans in place to continue past this season. But… I’m excited to figure out what the next season of Monday’s will look like and keep this community rolling.


Monday’s is open on Mondays from 6 pm to midnight and is located inside Bright Jenny at 984 Laurel Ave, Kelowna. Follow along on Instagram @mondaylove for more info.